
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Foodie Baby: Thank You Jamie Lee Curtis

Not exactly table talk, but let's face it. Some kids are poopy, others aren't. My kid falls into the not-so-poopy category and sometimes has trouble staying regular. So how do I help my little one more easily relieve herself? That's a "load"ed question. I tried prunes in a few different forms, one of which you can see here. Alas, after greatly anticipating a diaper detonation I was left high and dry in the most anticlimactic way. Only in infancy and our geriatric years do we ever get this excited about a good B.M.  I tried to cut out the bananas and down on the cheese as these are known to cause constipation, but nothing was greasing her gears.  While watching TV a few days ago, Jamie Lee Curtis came to me like an angel with unusually amazing breasts for a woman her age, speaking of eating yogurt to keep you feeling regular. That's it!  I bought Piper Dannon All Natural Plain Yogurt and within one day she was giving me the good stuff. I also incorporated whole wheat toast with real butter and big juicy blackberries alongside the yogurt for a well-balanced and delicious breakfast. We have solved the regularity issue, well, in her diaper...

Here is a video of Pip enjoying her new doo-dooriffic breakfast!


  1. Lol. Ur so funny!1 Can always count on good ol Jamie Lee Curtis to solve diaper issues. I like Activia. The new flavors are especially good too. :)

  2. I can't stand yogurt but I eat it because it's healthy. Maybe I'll try your suggestion and buy Activia next time. :-)
