A Little About Piper

Piper was born on the island of St. Thomas in July of 2010, and was a foodie baby from conception. No aversions, simply cravings. Pizza with jalapeƱos, pineapple, Italian sausage, and Canadian bacon was her favorite, boneless hot wings from Hooters with a huge plate of pickles on the side was a closer runner-up, and Starburst. Lots and lots of Starburst. From the moment a connection was made that "things have taste go into the mouth," it's been one culinary adventure after another.  From the ripe old age of 4 months old she was sampling vegetables, herbs, broths, doughs, fruits and condiments from her bouncy seat as I cooked. She is also completely fascinated with steam. Piper is uncharacteristically content and happy as babies go, and for this I feel incredibly fortunate.  She's also not a half bad dough-kneader.