Another tried and true method to relieve cough, cold, and flu virus is to leave chopped onion near your bed. According to this article, which I found really informative, leaving onion around your house any old time will help to capture viruses and germs that may be floating in the air:
Click here to see the article. That being read, I chopped the other half of the large white sweet onion left over from the homemade onion and honey home remedy I made in
this post, and decided to see what happened if I left it next to Piper's crib while she slept. It is currently 10:42pm and I have not heard her COUGH OR SNIFFLE ONE TIME. This is miraculous to me as during her nap earlier she was coughing so much I thought she'd wake herself up. I am now an absolute believer in the power of onions and all the health benefits they can provide. The true test will come tomorrow morning to see if these last few posts combined has made any difference in her state of health. If it has, I will blog again to let you know that onions & honey elixir, bone broth, and onion poultices are the ticket to health and wellness. Stay tuned! Here is how I made the onion poultice!
1/2 large white sweet onion
medium-sized square of cheesecloth
small bowl
1. Place the 1/2 of an onion in a food processor and process until chopped.
2. Scoop chopped onion onto cheesecloth square.
3. Bring the corners of the cheesecloth up to meet each other and twist together so that the dry corners are underneath the wet onion section.
4. Place the bowl and onion poultice on a nightstand (or in my case, and upside-down diaper box because it's the only thing I could find) as near as possible to your own head or the head of the sleeping child.
Pay no attention to Peeky McLurkerson. |
5. Listen to the sound of no coughing, sneezing, sniffling, or moaning for the rest of the night!! It's a beautiful sound!!
Thanks for posting this remedy. I tried it just now. And so far... Touch wood... The cough seems to have subsided. Hopefully we will have a cough free night
DeleteWhat if you don't have cheesecloth?
ReplyDeletePaper towel maybe? Might get squishy and wet though.
DeleteBut does it stink?
ReplyDeleteYep. Your house won't smell good for the time you're using this, but it fades very quickly once you don't need it anymore. Not gonna lie, onions do make your house stinky!
DeleteHow often do u have to do this until they stop coughing for good? Or is one night the cure all?
ReplyDeleteOne night will make a huge difference, but it NEVER hurts to just repeat this process every night to really suck all the yuckies out!
Deletedoe it have to be a sweet onion? can you use a yellow onion?
ReplyDeleteYou can use any onion! Actually red might work the best because it draws out even more. Think of which onion makes you cry more while cutting it. That's going to be the one you want to use. :)
ReplyDeleteI have done it and my older son didn't cough only twice but just for seconds not hours. The whole house stunk of onion but it WoRkEd. Thank you for your recipe. By the way, i have 2 boys, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad this worked for you and your boys!! :)
ReplyDeleteIs it safe for 3 month old baby to put the slice of onion on their feet like the article suggested