
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Reflections In The Kitchen Window - Tranquil Calming Jar: Part Vert

So after the first Calming Jar I made Piper earlier today, I became a little obsessed and had to make another. I love them. They're like lava lamps. *Note to self, I need to buy another lava lamp.*  This one I made out of a plastic peanut butter jar.  I removed the label residue with Goo Gone and created it exactly the same as the blue one, only this time I used two drops of green food coloring, one tube of green glitter glue, and one tube of yellow glitter glue.  The green is equally as soothing as the blue and this one is a lot less weight for someone as small as Piper to handle. Maybe Mommy will have to keep the blue one....

Here is a video of the green one I just made. The videos don't do them justice. They're SO BEAUTIFUL in real life!  Be sure to let me know how the ones you make turn out!

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