
Monday, September 24, 2012

Foodie Baby - Easy as 1-2-3 Applesauce

It's September!  The weather is crisp, pumpkins being displayed in front of grocery stores, crock pot recipes creeping their way to magazine covers, and lots and lots of apples.  In the first chilly days of the fall season, there are few better ways to ring it in than having your child help you make homemade applesauce. I chose to make this a very simple and interactive project for the kids in my classroom today. Each child was to bring 2 apples from their very own home so they can see and help with the process.

I cut up all of the apples except for two while the kids slept.  You may want to consider this as well with your kids at home. It is a bit much to expect them to sit through the cutting of 8 entire apples or more patiently without being distracted by something else.

As you cut the remaining two apples, this is the perfect time to slip in a little math lesson. One apple cut in half makes two halves. If you cut those halves in half, you get 4 pieces called quarters, etc.

Give them a butter knife and let them try to chop one slice into smaller pieces. This helps them tackle some practical learning as well as strengthening their gross and fine motor skills.

Here is the recipe. It's very easy and the amount of cinnamon or other spices is completely up to you, should you decide to add them at all.


8 apples, cored and seeded, cut into small pieces (I leave my skins on, you can peel yours if desired)
1 cup water
1/2 cup of sugar


1.  Have your child/ren help transfer the apple chunks into a big pot.
2.  Have your child/ren pour in the 1 cup of water.
3.  Have your child/ren pour in the 1/2 cup of sugar.
4.  Stir until sugar is evenly distributed.
5.  Bring to a low boil over medium to medium-high heat.
6.  Allow to boil for 20 minutes.
7.  Stir and mash.
8.  Repeat these last two steps until you reach the smoothness or chunkiness you prefer.
9.  Remove from heat and serve either warm, or refrigerate to serve cold.


  1. This is an excellent project. I bet everyone was happy to see the results.

  2. They were! All of the kids took a BUNCH of their special applesauce home to enjoy with their families. October brings more fun!
